Am 18-19.11.2019 ist eine Internationale Ebner-Konferenz in Kraków (Polen) geplant, unter dem Motto:


100 Jahre des Werkes  „Das Wort und die geistigen Realitäten“ von Ferdinand Ebner

Über diese Veranstaltung werden wir genauer informieren. Anbei das Info der Veranstalter  der Konferenz (auf Englisch).

International Scientific Conference

The Word – 100 years of “The Word and Spiritual Realities” by Ferdinand Ebner

Conference organizer

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków

Faculty of Philosophy, Department of the Philosophical Anthropology


The Department of Philosophy of Human at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow organizes in 18-19.11.2019 an international conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the creation of one of the most important works of the 20th century philosophy, which is „The Word and Spiritual Realities. Pneumatological Fragments“. The book written by Ferdinand Ebner, an Austrian philosopher, often mistakenly omitted in studies on the history of 20th-century philosophy, has become the actual beginning of a great and extremely important philosophical trend, which is called the „philosophy of dialogue“. Ebner’s work initiated a new philosophical paradigm based on the primacy of the other person and became a point of reference for the many thinkers. The „Philosophy of Dialogue“ has become a response to the tragedies of 20th-century totalitarianism and a kind of intellectual balm for the experience of two world wars. Ebner recalled the meaning of the word as a reality that brings with it „spiritual realities“, and is not only a tool for mastering the world or an element of manipulation. The approach proposed by him may become extremely valuable today, when we are looking for ways to get rid of the „hate speech“ and to use words not for deepening divisions, but for understanding and interpersonal meetings.

The conference, for which we would like to invite the most prominent experts of the Ebner philosophy from around the world, will be divided into four thematic parts:

1) Person and thought of Ferdinand Ebner;

2) The influence of the “ The Word and Spiritual Realities“ on the philosophy of dialogue;

3) The functions of the word – interdisciplinary investigation;

4) What word do we need today?

The conference organized by us will not only be an opportunity to rethink the role of philosophy in shaping the social and political situation of modern people, but also an opportunity to meet around the reality of „word“ that should give agreement, not divisions. Thanks to the presence of prominent thinkers from different parts of the world, it will also be an opportunity to promote the Kraków philosophical community, which has ambitions to be not only intellectually imitative, but also genuinely creative by initiating discussions on subjects, about the importance of convincing no one. We would like to publish conference proceedings.

Organizing Committee

Chairman: Fr. Prof. Dr. PhD Jarosław Jagiełło

Deputy Chairman: Fr. Dr PhD Miłosz Hołda

Members: Karol Petryszak – PhD student, Kamil Trombik – PhD student

Place of the conference: Kraków, Bernardyńska 3 Street


Internationale Ferdinand-Ebner-Gesellschaft

Mitglied werden: Der Mitgliedsbeitrag beläuft sich auf lediglich EUR 15.—, für fördernde Mitglieder EUR 50.— pro Jahr.

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